I’ve never been one for resolutions. I used to make them, but I never kept them. I also have never been one for picking a “word” for the year, either. Like, don’t box me in so early in the year, I have 364 more days ahead of me!
A new trend I’m seeing, seemingly everywhere, is people coming up with a list of what’s in and what’s out, and honey, I’m here for it. Lists are IN! Resolutions are OUT! It’s fresh and fun way to remind yourself of the things you want to do (or not do) in the new year. It feels like a great way to start anew, so, here’s my list of Ins & Outs for 2025.
Read anything. Just read! Books, articles, magazines, comic books, whatever makes you happiest… as long as I’m reading something! Bonus points for tracking reads and set a yearly goal. I just set mine (60 books; follow along on Goodreads) and am going to curate my TBR to include some shorter novellas this year.
I’m also going to try to utilize my library card to its full potential. My local library offers so much more than access to the Libby app, so I’ll check that out!
Creating & maintaining boundaries
Boundaries are so hot right now. They are necessary. Essential. They help protect your peace. They can be difficult to maintain, but if you can do it, you’ll feel better. Promise. <3
Making coffee at home
Look, I love Starbucks (and other places) as much as anyone else, but it’s gotten so damn expensive. This year, I’m planning to make my lattes and coffee drinks at home again, just like I did during lockdowns. My past barista experience helps, but there are so many videos and accounts on IG that share tips and tricks for enhancing the at-home coffee experience.
Favorite libations include:
Latte: Torani Toasted Marshmallow + dark chocolate sauce
Classic, slow morning type of vibe: French Press
Everyday: Breakfast blend, blonde roast, or any light roast + stevia, cinnamon, and a splash of milk
Cooking and baking
I’ve always liked both cooking and baking, but I rarely spent the time doing it because of excuses. For example: Work is too demanding. I’m tired at the end of the day. Eating out is just quicker and easier. Etcetera.
In the last few months, I’ve discovered that I actually enjoy cooking. Discovering new recipes to try, tinkering around with some I’ve made before, and upgrading utensils and cook/bakeware have made me more excited to cook for us. I also really like controlling the ingredients that go into the dishes I’m making, which helps reduce the intake of processed junk.
I do this sporadically and I’d like to be more consistent with it this year. I might even dabble in The Artist’s Way again and see if I can get further with it, but also establish more of a practice and really take morning pages to heart this time around.
Being present
Simply, not being distracted. I can sometimes let outside noise or the internet (to name a couple of things) pull me away from what I’m doing. So this year, I want to try to in the moment more.
Media literacy
Thinking critically and digesting information to inform my own opinion matters. I can’t just read a headline — I need to dive into the topic at hand and get a few sources on the matter to fully inform my opinion. I remind myself of this now more than ever. And if I land with a group after doing so, that’s fine — being informed to the fullest extent is important. Remember, it’s okay to change your opinion after finding out more information!
Side note: being able to distinguish false narratives and misinformation is going to be much more important as we continue moving forward in the digital age. Take the time to read more than just a Reddit or social media post on a topic. When in doubt, question what you’re reading and seek out solid, reputable sources.
Curating my feeds for a better experience
Unfollow. Mute. Block. Whatever action I need to take to be intentional, I will. I want to get rid of the fluff that doesn’t bring me joy or positive vibes. I’m going to log out of the sites that aren’t useful anymore (I’m looking at you, LinkedIn) so I don’t subject myself to weird, performative feeds. But also, I might just delete the account altogether and not look back! I have to remind myself here: when I log into a platform, it shouldn’t feel suffocating — it should bring something positive to the table.
BONUS: Leaving holiday decor up for as long as I want!
I am leaving my Christmas decor up as long as I want this year. For one, I need to leave it up through the middle of January at the earliest, because that’s when my cat, Mojo passed away last year. He loved sleeping under the tree and he did so until his last day with us. We got a new tree skirt this year with “Mojo’s Spot” embroidered on it, to honor his memory throughout every holiday season going forward, too. Aside that, having the gorgeous lights and decorations up through the winter months makes things much cozier.
I don’t know about you, but I can spend entirely too much time just swiping and scrolling. I’m not even paying attention to what I’m seeing half of the time. It’s a time suck. I think it’s cooler to spend that time doing something that enriches my life instead. Like, I don’t know, maybe reading or writing or watching a film or having a conversation or learning something new. I don’t need to say more, you get it. Let’s put the phones down and be smarter with our time this year!
Comparing my life to the lives of others
We all know where this is going — the aesthetic lifestyle we see on social media. The perfect family. The perfect day. The perfect everything! Those curated photos aren’t reflective of real life, you know? When I think about it, the real life of the girl on Instagram that has millions of followers for her lifestyle has to be utterly exhausting. Constantly thinking “will this look good for the gram” must be so unfulfilling at the end of the day. My life is good enough! I can’t — and won’t — compare my journey to someone else’s (neither should you!).
Canceling subscriptions that no longer serve me
I evaluated some of the things I’ve subscribed to recently and when I realized how much I was spending, I had to cut some down. I hate it, but man, I need to save the money where I can, you know? But also, evaluating what I am not actively using is the biggest reason for canceling subscriptions. If I haven’t logged into the platform or utilized the information being offered, it has to go. And if I really miss it, I can always add it back in.
Not drinking enough water
I don’t think there is much more to say on this one. Water is the nectar of the gods and we can all stand to have a little more of it each day, don’t you think?
Eating fast food, or eating out in general
Going out to dinner? Ordering takeout? In this economy?! It’s out of control, the expense of it all. I love a delivery moment as much as the next person, but omg, it’s gotten so expensive with all the fees involved. Plus, fast food comes with so much processed garbage. Most restaurants, too. I am better off spending my time and money trying to put better things into my body, so I’m planning to significantly cut back on eating out this year.
This is sooooo out. It’s been out. It needs to stay out! Saying yes when I really want to say no in order to please someone else is extinct this year, babe. I’m over it. Maybe people should try pleasing me this year! (LOL)
Remember when I wrote a whole post about pressing publish? Feels like a lifetime ago but I need to pull it up from time to time to remind myself that being perfect with everything I do is simply not attainable.
Thinking “it’s too late” (starting something new, finishing something great, etc.)
A few years ago, I thought it was too late to write my novel… and then we went into lockdown and I did it. I made it happen. It wasn’t too late, I just needed to do it! It taught me that it’s never too late to do the things we really want to do. So, I’m going to get my novel published. And I’m going to write more novels and get those published too! It’s never too late!!
There you have it. What’s in and out for you in 2025? I’d love to know. Here’s to enriching our lives in this new year! 🥰
The way I am shooing "perfectionism" out of my door like a pesky rodent is unparalleled. No one needs perfect; they just need you.