Come for the essays, fiction, and poetry. Stay for the vibes.
Hello, and welcome to vibe with me. 🤗
I’m Nicole and I’ve been writing practically my entire life, both offline and on. I started this little space on the internet to better share my musings with the world. A passion project; a baring of my soul. How utterly vulnerable!
I’m using Substack to share a variety of writing:
Essays (reflections, musings, journals, narratives)
Fiction (short stories, serialized fiction, progress on novel endeavors)
Poetry (experimental and exploratory, various forms)
Reading Recaps (everything I’m reading, posted at the end of the month)
If this sounds like your cup of coffee or tea, let’s vibe. ✌️
instagram • goodreads • bluesky • other links
Charcuterie, anyone? Here’s a little sampling of sorts:
How often will I hear from you?
Well, my dear reader, it’s pretty chill over here. I aim to publish as much as my schedule and creativity allow. I do try to be consistent but I’m not trying to spam you. Basically… if the mood strikes, I’ll hit publish. Playing it fast and loose, baby!
Sign me up! 🥰
OMG, I thought you’d never ask. You’re the best. I’m thrilled you’re here.
vibe with me is absolutely free! Simply subscribe below to support my writing.
The Substack app is pretty sweet too, and you can set it up to only get notifications in the app to cut down on emails.
You can also open up the website to read my full archive.
A bit more about me:
I am a melomaniac (music lover, in layman’s terms) and I feed my soul by composing poetry, prose, and fiction. I have a Bachelors of Arts in English (Writing & Literacy) from Indiana University and call the Midwest home.
Previously, I was a senior editor for my university’s student-run literary magazine, genesis. I even had one of my favorite poems published in the magazine before joining the staff, vexatious adoration. After college, I was a partner for a small literary collective, The Geeky Press. I coordinated local writing events and acted as an editor for our two volumes of Hoosier Lit and the anthology Dear America. You can find links to those on my website. Additionally, I was a top contributor for the VINAzine, an online publication geared toward Millennial and GenZ women.
I love to connect with fellow writers and readers alike. I’m very into pop culture, excellent television, fine films, and a vast array of books. Please, say hello!